First person shooter Online Games Tagged

CobraZ io

CobraZ io


Welcome to Classic, a cutting-edge FPS game that sets the bar for online multiplayer warfare. Dive into the adrenaline-pumping action as you customize your soldier, arming yourself with the finest gear to dominate the battlefield. With four exhilarating game modes at your fingertips, offers endless thrills and strategic challenges. Engage in intense Team Deathmatch battles, test your skills in the chaotic Free For All mode, strategize and coordinate with your team in Capture The Flag missions. Website Developer

Secret Key

Secret Key


you are a man have ur wife and daughter are gone but you dont know what happen it was you the reason of that ? or maybe you are just inside a dream ,, you cant know that but there a 3 since inside the game maybe you will understand what happen 2 of them are bad for you and the last maybe is just another mastery for another story line

Magical Archer

Magical Archer


n the game “Magical Archer,” you will enter an enchanting fantasy world where you take on the role of a magical archer with the task of collecting a collection of magical bottles. These bottles contain various spells and enchantments. Gameplay: The game consists of 16 levels, each of which presents a challenge to your archery skills. At the beginning of each level, you stand in front of a glass that needs to be shattered. To do this, you must set the angle and strength of your shot so that the arrow precisely hits the target. The game offers 6 different types of magical bottles, each with its own color and magical properties. To unlock a bo

Thomas Runner

Thomas Runner


Thomas Runner” is an exhilarating and dynamic arcade game where the player embarks on an adventurous journey through a hazardous world filled with turrets, zombies, spikes, and mines. The player’s objective is to reach the end of each level while surviving various threats and collecting bonuses.

Telekinesis Attack

Telekinesis Attack


Use your telekinesis magic power! Gain the ability to control the power of thought! Throw your enemies wherever you want, hit them against whatever you want and deal with them however you want! Using your unique power, defeat all enemies, interact with different objects, take away weapons from enemies and be the strongest!

Digital Circus Hide And Seek

Digital Circus Hide And Seek


For the digital circus hide and seek scene, envision a whimsical, futuristic digital circus setting. In the foreground, a group of children, each with distinct, vibrant outfits, are playing hide and seek. One child, wearing a neon green hat and a bright blue coat, is counting against a futuristic, holographic carousel, eyes covered. Around the carousel, other children are hiding: one is crouched behind a digitally animated lion, another is peeking from behind a cluster of shimmering, holographic balloons, and a third. Website Developer




Welcome to, where adrenaline-fueled action, intense shooting, and thrilling adventures await! Embark on a mission to locate and eliminate enemies scattered across the map. With every corner hiding potential threats, stay on your toes, employing a mix of stealth, hunting prowess, and precise marksmanship to outmaneuver your opponents. Developed